Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You Know What Really Bugs Me....?

....*Texting. I mean come on people. Do you really and truly have to be stuck in your cell phone all day? No offense but I can almost guarantee the world will NOT end if you can't touch your cell phone for two seconds. (I know. I'm crazy aren't I.) Okay okay I know. I used to be a *gulp* texter. And in some situations I will condone it. (Like if you're talking to someone I highly approve of and you let me read what you're saying to them) ;). BUT some people have just taken it way too far. It seems pretty ironic to me that you're missing out talking to people in real life because you're too busy virtually talking to people. Why do I have a feeling this whole generation will suffer from eye strain and unable-to-use-one's-hands syndrome.....*sigh*. Okay rant over. And no, I won't hate you forever and attempt to murder you in your sleep if you text. Just don't do it when you're talking to me (though I will make exceptions depending on how awesome you are...).

...*Having to use the library computer so much because I can only use my home computer between the hours of 3-6 PM. Yeah just don't even ask....

....*Evasive people who never give you a straight answer about anything. Just know I will not hesitate to throttle an answer out of you if you persist on messing with my mind....;)

....*Not being able to find a job because people take one look at you, think "Oh....It's one of those....*gasp*....teenagers" and then patronize you by saying, "I'm so very sorry, hun, but we're not hiring right now...." (Yep. I'm sure you're just being eaten alive by all your pity for me...).

Sorry for all my cynicalness. I'm not really in that bad a mood and I'm not as angsty as this blog applies. I'm just getting some things off my chest.....You know how I am. ;)