Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Well another Christmas is come and gone. All that excitement and momentum leading up to it and then suddenly *poof* it's over and done with. I got quite a lot of neat stuff this year. I'll list a few of my favorites:

A new stereo for my room delivered by "Santa" who bears a striking resemblance to mom and dad. Is pretty small but very nice and fancy. Perfect for setting on your dresser. Beware however if your dresser has many odds and ends lying around on it. Clearing it off to put the stereo on it is no picnic.

I also received three CD's to play in the (you guessed it) new stereo. The first is the soundtrack for the Narnia movie which is one of the best CD's out there. The music is simply breathtaking and I could listen to it a million times and not get sick of it. Okay maybe I would but that's not the point here. I also got two Casting Crowns CD's. Casting Crowns is one of the only Christian bands I enjoy listening to. Very powerful music and can be very comforting at times.

Also the strange package that felt like a video cassette that I mentioned in one of my previous blogs contained the computer game Mall Tycoon 3. This is definitly one of the most enjoyable computer games I have ever played. In it you get to run your own mall. You get to hire staff members, create stores, keep track of your customer's likes and dislikes, etc. Yes the janitors and mechanics never do their jobs unless you are constantly monitoring them, and yes the criminals who arrive at the mall all have the same hairstyle, but hey what do you expect.

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