Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas time

So once again I am finally back, and this time I don't plan to stay away from posting for so long ;). Things have been pretty insane, but now that school's out I should have a lot more time to post.

School wise, the year ended well. I finally got through my science semester test (which I had been studying my head off for), but history wise I'm not sure I ever want to hear WWII mentioned again (I studied my head off on this subject as well ;) ). Overall, school is a great experience, but it's always nice to get a break. We don't have to go back till Jan. 14th, so I guess I should stop complaining about school now. Don't want mom hearing this. ;)

As usual I am (very) impatiently waiting for Christmas, but first have to get through our church's annual youth christmas program tomorrow night. If you read my blog about our program last christmas, you'll remember we all had to carry candles while wearing thick, easy to trip over robes. Well this year we're doing that again (with different music of course), so if you hear about a church catching fire from a clusmy maneuver by a robed figure, it's probably ours. ;) Then after the sanctuary part of the service, we go to the FLC for the "secular" part of the program. Let's just say this part involves us acting out the song "I'm Getting Nuttin for Christmas," and a skit based on the song "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." Thank heavens I don't have to be a reindeer. If I did, I probably would have changed my name and moved to Siberia.....Ok just kidding. ;) It should be interesting how all this turns out though. I'll let you know.

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