Saturday, February 14, 2009


Yes, I promise I am still alive. =] Sorry it's been such a long time. Things have been really crazy around here, so I haven't had time to post or anything. But anyways here are some things that have been going on lately....

*About a week ago we put our house on the market, and I can't say I'm too crazy about the idea. I mean it will be great to be near my grandparents, but I love it here and am really really going to miss it....The only things that make me feel better are 1: The housing market is extremely bad, so we probably won't end up moving till summer or fall. 2: My mom might just let me drive down here by myself seeing as how the route is pretty easy to follow. So I just have to hope she stays agreeable to the idea of me crusing up and down the highways by myself...But anyways I guess I won't worry too much about moving yet seeing as how it's going to be a while. Might as well just enjoy the present.....=]

*Next month it is going to happen to me yet again. March 7 I have another piano festival (if you haven't read my last blogs about the piano festival, it's where I have to play a piece for a judge who stands there breathing down your neck making you want to either pass out or puke from the extreme stress of it all) and on March 22 I have another recital. I'll probably end up playing one or two piano pieces, and then I'll be singing a piece too. Plus I probably will have to memorize everything. I can just imagine all the things that could go wrong. Especially with the piano. No matter how hard I prepare for the piano part, it all comes down to how well I can control my nerves. After all, I could know the song like the back of my hand but it won't do me any good if my hands are slipping all over the keys and shaking from nerves....*sigh* I guess I'll just have to relax and hope for a miracle.

*School has been just Extremely tiring, enjoyable at times, but most of the time extremely tiring. I think I've worked harder this year than all the other years combined. Especially on this chemistry. Since I want to be a science major in college, I've been working extremely hard it. The thing about chemistry though is that when one second you think you've got it, it turns on you. So yeah I'm extremely tired of spending all this time studying for chemistry tests. But if it all pays off in the end I guess it's worth it....

That's all for now....

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