Thursday, April 23, 2009

Long Time

Sorry it's been such a while. Things have just been really crazy around here lately, but I've finally found some time to post.So here's what's been going on lately...

*School wise things have been EXHAUSTING. I did take a spring break last week which was awesome, but I started back this week harder than ever. Also next month I'll be missing four school days to go to my grandparents house, so I'm having to make up those four days over the next several weeks (yes, that means that on four school days I'm doing two days worth all so I can get done by May 29th. Yes I'm a workaholic). Thank goodness I've already made up two of the days, and now just two more to go. augggh I just need summer badly. My brain is starting to go fuzzy from all this algebra and talk about Abraham Lincoln...*sigh*

*Anyways, like I said earlier we're going to my grandparents house next month and I'm really really excited because 1:My aunt, uncle, and cousins will be there and we haven't seen them in a while and 2: I get to visit two colleges while I'm there. Yep I'm kind of nervous about that one. I'll probably do something really stupid or fall on my face while I'm on the tour or something and look like a complete and total idiot. But then again I might not. I'll just hope for the best I guess. haha. Then this summer I'm visiting two more colleges real close to where we live (actually one's in our hometown) so that'll be exciting too.....(but still nerve wracking).

*As to this weekend, I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing yet except Sunday night I'm going to a party at my friend's house (unless I end up driving around her confusing neighborhood completely lost as to where her house is for hours on end which could probably happen knowing me.....haha) and then I might hang out with some other friends and of course go to the exceedingly boring grocery store....*sigh* Then a week from this weekend I'm going on an in-town retreat with my friend's youth group, so I'm pretty excited about that as well. =] It's on self-control, which is good cause I could probably get quite a bit out of that....haha.

Well I guess that's it for now. Later

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Worn Out

After having a pretty cruddy week last week, I had a pretty good weekend to make up for it. Saturday night I went to see a musical thing at our local college, and I have to say it was very well done. Though some of the songs and lines were a bit cheesy, (as to be expected though) and though the orchestra blew my eardrums out at a few occasions, and though the place was absolutely packed and you had to be careful if you left early because you'd sure as heck trip over someone in the dark, it was quite fun and I enjoyed it. Then Sunday night I went to my friend's youth group which was really fun. And then I just spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and wishing time would stand still and Monday would never ever come....haha.

So basically I am extremely burned out on school right now, but thank heavens next week I'm getting a spring break. I only have one more day left but I know it's going to be the longest day in eternity....Maybe I'll survive. Just maybe. ;)

Well hope everyone has a great Easter. Our church has a very wierd schedule on Easter (which I've probably mentioned before) where we have a sunrise service at 7 (yes, AM) and the regular service at 9:30 AM. Don't ask me why. I don't know and I'm not brave enough to question tradition....Anyways I have to get there a 8:15 to practice handbells because we're playing in the service (though I know the songs like the back of my hand and really don't want to have to play them more than necessary) so I'm not too happy about that. But oh well. As long as I don't have to go to the sunrise service I'll be all right....;) I would appreciate prayers for our family though on Easter. As you can imagine it's going to be a hard one for us.....


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I am pretty dang annoyed and kind of worried right now....First my grandma was supposed to have heart surgery in the next few weeks, and the doctors said they'd talk to her about it on Monday. Well they did and they said that now they don't want her to have surgery at all (they just can't seem to make up their minds). They said the surgery's too risky for someone not in the greatest condition, and that instead they want to get an MRI and then decide what to do. So now my poor grandma has to wait till whenever she can finally get in for the MRI before she can get some help. Yeah the whole situation is worrisome and is getting on my nerves. I know the doctors know more about this than I do (of course) but it still seems like they could move a little faster.....Prayers are still appreciated.

I am also annoyed cause I can't find a job to save my life. I really really really need money at the moment, but how is someone like me supposed to get money at the moment when everyone is too cheap to hire? Earlier I emailed the guy in charge of the YMCA (which is literally just around the corner from our house), and he said they weren't hiring (typically) but that I could apply to be a lifeguard or camp counselor this summer. Ha. Can you imagine me as a lifeguard? I'd be the one the regular swimmers would have to save....And nope camp counseling isn't for me either. So the Y is out. Then I went online to the site of our local grocery store and filled out another application. (I had already turned one in several months ago but they said you had to fill another one out if you hadn't been contacted in 60 days). Now I know for sure they need help in that store cause everytime my mom and I go in there we have to bag our own groceries. Now that's just pathetic. I just sure hope this works out or I'm going to blow a fuse (literally).

On top of all this I have a heck of a lot of school and I'm NOT loving it. Plus I sent away to several colleges for some more information about a week or so ago, but have I heard anything back from them? NO. Of course not. You'd think they'd want to try to actually move a little quickly and get some stuff out to prospective students in these hard economic times. But who knows......

I can't really explain the other things I'm annoyed at because there are just so many right now. Let's just say I'm not having the best of days. I'm just in one of my cynical, "I hate the world", "I'm upset cause my dad's not here" moods right now and I just needed to vent a little. Thanks for listening.
