Thursday, April 9, 2009

Worn Out

After having a pretty cruddy week last week, I had a pretty good weekend to make up for it. Saturday night I went to see a musical thing at our local college, and I have to say it was very well done. Though some of the songs and lines were a bit cheesy, (as to be expected though) and though the orchestra blew my eardrums out at a few occasions, and though the place was absolutely packed and you had to be careful if you left early because you'd sure as heck trip over someone in the dark, it was quite fun and I enjoyed it. Then Sunday night I went to my friend's youth group which was really fun. And then I just spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and wishing time would stand still and Monday would never ever come....haha.

So basically I am extremely burned out on school right now, but thank heavens next week I'm getting a spring break. I only have one more day left but I know it's going to be the longest day in eternity....Maybe I'll survive. Just maybe. ;)

Well hope everyone has a great Easter. Our church has a very wierd schedule on Easter (which I've probably mentioned before) where we have a sunrise service at 7 (yes, AM) and the regular service at 9:30 AM. Don't ask me why. I don't know and I'm not brave enough to question tradition....Anyways I have to get there a 8:15 to practice handbells because we're playing in the service (though I know the songs like the back of my hand and really don't want to have to play them more than necessary) so I'm not too happy about that. But oh well. As long as I don't have to go to the sunrise service I'll be all right....;) I would appreciate prayers for our family though on Easter. As you can imagine it's going to be a hard one for us.....


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