Monday, June 29, 2009


Wow it has been a while and I'm very sorry about that. I'm not normally such a pathetic blogger. ;) Things have just been really crazy lately, so I just haven't had time to post (not to mention I was just too lazy). However, I am going to try to keep up with it over the summer since some interesting things should be happening. So here's what's been going on lately....

During the first part of June nothing really momentous happened, but on the 19th we headed up to see my grandparents and pick out our new house. The ride up there was considerably better than our trip up there last month (that trip was so awful almost nothing could top it...) but the night we got there was not too fun for me. For one thing I had two big canker sores on my tongue that simply would not go away and that were very painful. Second, my grandparents insisted driving us around and showing us the outsides of some houses for sale in the area. I probably would have enjoyed this another time, but at the moment I was very tired, a bit nauseated from being in the car too long, my tongue was burning, and I was ticked off and ready to forget houses all together. By the time we got back to the house I was feeling even worse, and I started having a freaky panic attack. Basically my lips started burning (from all the salt I had eaten previously probably) my skin felt hot all over my body, and I was convinced I had something terribly wrong with me. (welcome to the world of a hypochondriac). Anyways, after walking around in a state of panic for a while, my grandmother recommended I try rinsing my mouth in saltwater, which I did. Thank heavens it helped my tongue feel much better, and thanks to that it's almost gone as we speak. ;) Anyways that wasn't the end of me feeling like crap however....

The next day I was tired. I mean dead, bone tired. Tired enough to think I had some kind of freaky fatigue disease or something. All day long I just wanted to sleep, I lay on the couch every occasion that I could, and my whole head throbbed with pure exhaustion. Not to mention I was worried sick that I was sick (no pun intended). Anyways, I went to bed early, and woke up the next morning feeling more energetic. However, my problems were not over. For some reason every single muscle in my body ached. My back ached, my legs ached, my arms ached, you name it and it ached. I had no idea why at the time, (though I'm pretty sure now it was from stretching out excessively) so this was another chance for me to worry that I had some kind of wierd, horrible disease. Luckily I got to attend a musical thing at the local college, which was very professional and enertaining, which took my mind off my problems somewhat. However I felt like some kind of old lady with back problems the entire day. (Trust me, no 16-year-old wants to feel like an old lady with back problems...)

Thank heavens the next day I was all cured, which was good because the next day (and that whole week) proved to be very busy. We went house hunting every single day with our realtor-- a very nice, elderly man who seemed to have more energy than I do on a good day. At first the house hunting was very enjoyable. However, by the last day I never wanted to see another house again, never wanted to ride in the back of a car again, and never wanted to hear our realtor tell off the wall stories about his every day life again. But the good news is we found an amazing house, which we will be moving into July 30th. So yes this month is going to be CRAZY getting ready to move and all....

The rest of the weekend was awesome as my cousins and aunt and uncle visited for a few days. We played quite a few bizarre games, I got whopped in the arm with a soccer ball a few times, I almost fainted from hypoglycemia when it was 3 in the afternoon, I hadn't had lunch yet, and our waitress was being so lazy and slow we all wanted to strangle her, and other such things. So all in all it was a very fun, interesting time. ;)


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