Sunday, September 6, 2009

Homeschool Group

Last Monday, I went to the beginning of the year orientation for my homeschool group. Now I know what you're thinking. If you're homeschooled, then why in the heck do you have classes with other kids?? Doesn't that defeat the point? Let me explain...1: We only once a week (Mondays) for 3 hours. So it's not 24/7. (Not that any school really meets 24/7 as the students would probably be dead if they did, but you get the point...). 2: We don't do core classes or anything. We just do elective classes that are hard to fulfill at home. For example, I'm taking Journalism/Yearbook, Home Economics, and KY State History, and everybody (oh yes, all 13 of our extremely large high school group) have to take the Christian Character Traits class. 3: It's just nice now and then to take a few classes with some other kids and make some new friends. Plus they have a graduation ceremony for high schoolers. Soo that completely satisifes any longing I might have for public school (which I can assure you isn't much....;) ).

Anyways, the orientation went pretty well. At first it was rather annoying though. All of us (all the kids and their parents) had to meet up and listen to the director ramble on and on (and on) about random things that make perfect daydreaming material....It was really hard to daydream though because the really little kids kept whining their heads off, and this one girl a few rows up from us was practically screaming her head off. No wonder I had a searing headache. Not to mention the director (who was apparently very nervous about public speaking which was probably why she was doing this) sounded like she was about to tear up through the entire speech. It was quite odd. She even sounded heartbroken over the middle schoolers rotational schedule. Gosh now I'd heard everything...Anyways I'm not blaming her or anything. If I had to public speak I'd probably cry my head off, trip over the microphone cord because I couldn't see through my tears, and then fall into the crowd, land on some two-year-old, and then get sued or be forever known as a crazy two-year-old-attacking lunatic. Scary stuff....

After the main speech finally ended, those of us who hadn't died of boredom yet got to split up into our respective age groups and hear about our different classes. Before we heard about them though, they made us high schoolers play some random name game where the first person had to say their name and then a food that started with the first letter of their name. Then the next person had to repeat the name and the food of the person who went before them, plus their own name and food thing, and on and on and on. I tried desparately to think of a food that started with the letter H, but didn't have much luck. At first the only thing I could of was honey, but I really really DESPISE that horrible stuff. I only take it when I'm desparately sick with a sore throat (and I mean extremely EXTREMELY desparate). It's like being a torture chamber having that stuff slowly....slink....down.....your....throat. Anyways, I ended up saying the second thing that came into my mind- ham. And I don't even like ham that much. And it's no good being known as Hannah Ham. I mean really how uncool is that? Well let's just hope everyone forgets all about that or else I'm going to have to learn a Memory Charm (Harry Potter stuff hahaha). Anyways, overall, the classes sound really fun and everybody I met was really nice, so I'm pleased. =] I'll definitely keep you updated on how they go.




hot hogs, hamburger, haggis, horseradish,herring, hershey chocolate, hash browns, heavy cream, hoagie, hazelnut.

HBSinger said...

Too bad you couldn't have told me all that BEFORE I had a mind freeze that day...;) hahahaha.

Puppyluvr91 said...

Oh yeah, I hate it when people ramble on and on like that! The principal at my school is known for talking too much...whenever we have assemblies he just goes on and

Hope your classes are going well!

Unknown said...

You have good blog Hannah, I know you probably won't see my comment since you seems already stopped blogging.. anyway, it's fun and interesting to read your blog, a college girl's life, remind myself my own college years. wish you come back some day.

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