Thursday, September 3, 2009


Just a few days ago, I remember thinking to myself, "Ya know, I haven't been sick in forever. Here it is cold and flu season and so far nothing has touched me. I must have some kind of a strong immune system!" Famous last words....

Just yesterday, I came down with a sore throat. Not only was it one of the really bad kinds when you feel like hot plaster is exploding in your throat, I contracted it in the middle of the night. For some reason every symptom I have is always amplified by about a million times in the middle of the night. It's also frustrating because there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. I thought about going downstairs and taking a zinc tablet (those things are really miraculous at shortening your cold by the way) but I figured I'd just kill myself falling downstairs in the dark or wake everybody up and then really get killed. (If you didn't already know this, my family, including me, is not too polite to people who wake them up in the middle of the night.). So waking anybody up was definitely out. So, I just ended up lying there, thinking about how miserable the next few days were going to be, how miserable I felt at the moment, and how plain ticked off I was about the whole thing and how I probably had anger management issues.

The next day, my throat felt so bad I couldn't talk. When I did talk, it felt like people were stabbing knives down my throat. Now you might not believe this, but it's very painful for me to go a whole day without talking to a single soul. My family probably enjoyed the peace and quiet, but it was pure torture for me. Heck I couldn't even get my anger out by yelling at my brothers. The most frustrating part was, that the rest of me felt absolutely fine. It was just that dumb throat. And because of that dumb throat I couldn't go anywhere abd couldn't do anything because I just plain couldn't focus, so I spent most of the day moping around, taking zinc tablets, and trying not to die of pure pent-up frustration. I went to bed that night certain that the next day would be better....

Well to put it bluntly, it wasn't. I woke up in the middle of the night (again) with every muscle in my body aching. I mean I was radiating ache. On top of it all, it hurt to swallow because my throat muscles were so tight, my nose was clogged up, and I felt like I'd just emerged from a painful boxing match. When morning finally came, I could hardly drag myself out of bed. I kept sitting up, falling back down, sleeping for ten more minutes, and then repeating the cycle until I finally dragged myself downstairs. I probably looked like some freaky monster who had been pushed around an awful lot, because I sure felt like one. Gosh I felt like a messed up piece of crap.

Luckily, I've been getting better as the day has gone one. My sore throat's basically gone, the tightness is a little better, and I'm not as achy or tired. I am still pretty darn mad about the whole thing though. I was supposed to start voice lessons back up today, but because of that stupid ailment that will remain nameless I wasn't able to. Plus, seeing as how I had to miss half a day of school today and half a day yesterday, I'm already behind and it's only the first week! What a lame start to the school year.*sigh* oh well. That's life I guess. Plus since I'm a workaholic I should have no problem catching up. (I hope.) And at least it wasn't swine flu. Now that would have been a disaster for a hypochondriac like me.....


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