Saturday, September 12, 2009

This Week

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but things have been really crazy lately. Here are a few things that have been going on this week...
*School has been insane so far. I think I’ve got velocity-versus-time graphs coming out of my ears, my hand’s about to fall off from over-use, and when I woke up yesterday morning and realized I still had to get through one whole day before the weekend, I almost cried. Don’t get me wrong, I do like a lot of things about school. It’s just the whole getting up early/having wayy too much to do/not being able to study exactly what I want when I want kind of thing. *sigh* At least the weekend has finally arrived. ;)
*Tuesday night I went to a teen book discussion thing at the library which was pretty interesting. I mainly went just to meet some new people and such, seeing as how the book was just not my favorite. Anyways, it was really interesting because one guy I was talking to used to live in the same area that I just moved from. He’s the second person I’ve met so far that’s been from that area, and it’s pretty strange I can tell you that. I mean the area I moved from was one of those areas where nothing momentous happens at all. (No offense to that place at all. I loved living there. It just wasn’t any New York city or something like that....) So I guess it’s a small world after all, or something just plain creepy is going on....
*Wednesday night, my youth group went up to this farm for mentally challenged adults to help out around there for some festival they were about to have. It was a very interesting experience, and I’m really glad that this church focuses on missions on Wednesday nights. I haven’t had a chance to do a lot of stuff like that, so I think it’ll be good for me ;) Then on Thursday, I finally got to start voice lessons back. This year’s going to be a bit different in that regard, because I’m taking lessons at somebody’s house rather than at a college. It went really well, though it was kind of weird that my teacher’s dog was lying in the middle of the room sleeping while I was doing my lesson. I’m not really sure if that’s a compliment to my voice or not, but oh well. hahaha.
*A quick update on my grandma: She still can hardly breathe, and it’s because the blood vessels around her heart are not working properly (because of radiation she had for breast cancer many years ago). So now she’s going on some new medicine to help her blood vessels, and hopefully that will keep the doctors from having to do a huge operation on her heart which would be really bad for her right now considering how frail she is. Continued prayers are great.
Now I’m going to go enjoy my weekend ;) Later

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

I know how you feel about school! It's been crazy for me for about the past two weeks, and the weird thing is, it was mostly just one class where I was getting loaded up with work!

Yeah, that is interesting when you end up finding someone who lived in the same area as you! There's this girl in my dance class who used to live in Fairfax!

And I am continuing my prayers for your grandma!