Monday, October 19, 2009


Wow sorry it's been such a long time. I truly have been a blog slacker. Things have just been really crazy lately and I'm still trying to get into the swing of things. Not to mention I'm trying to survive my clutziness which has lately caused me to burn my finger making fish sticks (there is now a huge gash in my finger that shows lots of skin), slice my finger with a knife while cutting bread (I'll spare you the details on that one), and trip over a culvert while taking a walk and almost landing on my face (okay so that one was pretty funny.) Anyways, here's some stuff that has been going on.....

*I started volunteering at the hospital last month, and it's been quite an experience so far. I've only had the chance to do it twice so far (for some reason random things I have to do keep popping up on days I'm supposed to be volunteering) so so far the only things I've done are organize charts, make up little outfits for babies, give patients ice water, make copies (it took me a rather embarrassingly long time to figure out how to use the darn thing) and stand around doing nothing on slow days and feeling like a world class idiot. So basically it's not what you'd call thrilling work, but hey once you get into it it's actually pretty fun. Not to mention it gives me some great experience in that kind of a setting. Plus I get to work in womens' services which means I get to avoid the really sick people. For a paranoid hypochondriac like me, that is always a good thing. (I've already freaked out about MRSA and the flu quite enough and I don't need weekly panic attacks that's for sure...)

*Youth group stuff has been going AWESOMELY (don't even tell me that's not a word cause I say that it is ;) ) and homeschool group classes have been going pretty well too. The only problem with the classes is, that in home ec we are starting crocheting. If you don't know this about me already, me and crocheting (or any kind of sewing for that matter) don't mix. After all, I'm the kind of person who can't even tear out perforated pages without assistance and who can't cut in a straight line (normally). So yeah I'm probably going to flunk out just because of that (and who crochets anymore anyways??). Don't kill me if you like to crochet ;). Anyways, I guess we'll just have to see how it all goes.....The worst that could happen after all is getting kicked out of the class and being told I'm the worst, most idiotic student the teacher has ever laid eyes on. I could probably deal with that.....

Well I would write more ,but I really have to go so I'll catch you up to speed on some other things that have happened later. Over and out.

1 comment:


It sure is good to hear from you again. Oh, the busy life of a teenager! Enjoy the youthful energy and don't wish any of it away. It's a precious time of your life.