Sunday, October 25, 2009


Yesterday I woke up scared. I mean quaking in your boots (not that I was wearing boots when I woke up, but that's beside the point...), feeling like you're about to puke and faint at the same time, wanting to pack up and move to Pluto kind of scared. What in the world (you might be asking) could induce me to such a level of panic?....*drumroll*.....a multiple choice test that the whole world seems to think is an indicator of how smart you are and if you're going to be successful in life. So yes seeing as how I really really want a scholarship where you have to make at least a 30 on this so-called test, I was pretty dang nervous. Not to mention I had to walk into a big, scary public school where I didn't know a soul. That almost scared me more than the test....To top it all off I had to get up at 6:15 (earlier than I get up for school days) on a Saturday morning. If I hadn't been so scared I would have been pretty darn ticked....

Fortunately for me, as soon as I got in the school I calmed out. Wow. Hannah being calm. There's an oxymoron for you....Anyways, as I sat there at my desk (yes sitting at such a desk is perfectly alien to me), waiting an interminably long time for the dang test to start (I think they purposely take forever to start just to scare the rest of you that hasn't been scared yet) trying to tell myself that if I botched up it didn't mean I was a horrible loser who'd never get anywhere in life. When the test finally began, I was so relaxed I wondered if an alien had taken over my body. The first test was English (of course they give you the easiest test first when they should be giving you the hardest test since your brain is the freshest when you're first beginning the test) which was not that hard at all. I thought "Hey, this isn't so bad so far." Then the math test arrived. After looking at the first few problems, my familar panic returned. My mouth went dry, my heart started hammering, and I had a bad feeling that I had no idea whether Meredith would get a better deal with Smoky Mountain bike rental or Pine Mountain bike rental (or whatever the heck the problem was talking about). Let's just say, thanks to the math test I'm not sure whether I'll be getting that 30.....But hey, maybe I did better than I thought....

The reading test was harder than the English, but I think I did pretty decent on it. The science test was really hard, and I think it's thoroughly unfair that they save one of the hardest tests for last. At this point in the test taking, your brain is about dead and you just want to throw your pencil down and cry. So during the science test it's very tempting to just guess rather than use what small amount of brain energy you have left. Yes, I think the ACT creators hate high school students....Especially since they make you wait 3-8 weeks for your scores. Did they think we hadn't been tortured enough already so they decided to torture us some more???? *sigh*

When the test finally ended, I was so relieved I almost hugged the teacher. Finally, after all this studying and cramming it was OVER. Now I just have to hope I did well enough so I don't have to take the too-horrible-to-speak-its-name thing again.....

Later ;)



Calm - a reaction caused by a hug from God. Nice post Hannah, I'm sure that you did well on the test whose name shall not be uttered here.

HBSinger said...

I love your definition of calm, Mr. Tom. =]
And thanks so much! I sure hope I did okay. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...(and thanks for not speaking the test's name.) haha.

Puppyluvr91 said...

Omg I know exactly how you feel!!! I just took the Dec. 12th ACT. It was my last chance to take it before I send in my college applications, so I hope I did okay. lol. But omg, you are soo right about the math and the science! I HATE those sections, especially the science. You're already so tired of taking the test, and then they have all those little tables you're supposed to study. Ugh I wanted to throw my pencil down too! I'm sure you did great though! That's always such a good feeling to be done with that test and finally walk out of the