Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why I Can't Wait 'Til November....

First of all, my birthday happens to be on November 15th. Even though I'm going to be pretty old (17 is really getting on up there) I still am just as excited over my birthday as a little kid (I mean who doesn't enjoy having a day where everyone is incredibly nice to them, gives them presents, and cooks amazing food for them?). I am really really excited, and I think it's gonna be AWESOME (not to mention I'll only be one year away from being a legal adult. How scary is that?!).

Second of all, college basketball season finally starts! Okay okay I know you're thinking I'm an obssessed fan (if you haven't yet figured out which college team I'm a fan of after reading all my many posts about them and seeing my profile picture then you probably need medical assistance) but I just can't help being excited. Especially seeing as how they've got really top players this year and a new coach. Plus I'm hoping to prove my extremely negative brother (who happens to be a *gasp* UNC fan) wrong. He claims they're going to be just as terrible as they were in previous years (okay okay yes they were terrible just recently) while I'm hoping he's going to get a big dose of reality and realize that UK's losing days are over. (At least they'd better be or I'm suing somebody after all this hype over their season.) So yeah this season should be very interesting. ;)

Last (but most definitely not least) the second Twilight movie (New Moon) comes out!!! It's coming out only five days after my birthday, so I'm going to go with a friend or friends to see it as kind of a birthday thing. I am going to be so hyper and so excited that you probably wouldn't recognize me if you saw me at the theater. (I normally don't go nuts over movies.) But hey, if you can't go nuts occasionally what's the point of life? I also thought I'd post the newest trailer (just because I can't help myself and because it looks freaking amazing.) So yep here it is. Less than a month to go (thank goodness!). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs79_5n848Q

That's it for now. ;)

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