Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guess Who It Is...?

Yep it's me.

I'm still alive.

I have been gone for so long and I have no excuse at all. Well technically I do I suppose....I have two jobs, am getting ready for college this fall, am still taking voice and trying to do a bunch of other things at once (you know what a workaholic this girl is). So yes, a LOT has happened to me since I last posted. A lot of good, a lot of neutral, a lot of really rotten things (like breaking a limb for the first time), etc. etc. But hey, that's life I suppose.

So that means I will have to catch you up little by little. To start with, let me tell you just a little about that wonderful world called work that I have entered. After all my complaining, whining and carrying on, I FINALLY found a job. *insert Hallejuah Chorus here*. I'm a restaurant hostess (and have been for almost 7 months now) AND I'm a secretary for a local psychologist which is the better job by far! I'm a huge psychology nerd, so so what if all I get to do is paperwork. Being in any kind of psychology environment will do for now. :)

So yeah, the restaurant job be honest I'm growing to hate parts of it. Yes, I've made a lot of friends and had some interesting experiences. But good grief there are some days where I just want to cry, punch people who decide to walk in the door at 9:30 PM when I'm about to go home and tell people that they are going to sit where I darn well tell them they are going to sit or else they can just feed themselves. Oh and did I mention that I have to clean bathrooms? Yes, Germophobic Hannah's worst nightmares have come to fruition. (Let's just say I did not realize this before I took the job). Who would have thought I could handle something so utterly disgusting? I really do amaze myself....;) Anyways, I am making it though and am thankful to have money (that's what matters right?). No, this gap year hasn't been all fun and games. But hey, I've learned a lot, met a lot of awesome people and have had some good experiences on top of the bad (though having to be taken to the ER by my boss was no picnic...but that story is for another day...). God has shown me a lot during this year and I'm thankful for it (though at this point, college can't come soon enough...) Speaking of college, this year I did a complete 180 in my college decision, flipped the other direction, and then found myself deciding on the school that I had originally planned on attending two years ago (who would have thought...). I'll have to tell you that story as well. Until revoir my friends (yes....French....I had to have something to study during my year off ;) ).


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