Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Hole in the Ozone Layer

Besides Global Warming and all that jazz, many people are starting to panic about the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. Why? Well if you didn't already know this the ozone layer that covers the earth protects us from deadly ultriviolet rays that head towards the earth from the sun. The ozone layer shields us from these rays which explains why we're not all dead right now. :) However, many environmentalists are beginning to freak out because there is a small hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. Many people are afraid this hole has been caused by the production of CFC's. What are CFC's you might ask? They are very useful chemicals that are responsible for air conditioning, refrigeration, proper fire fighting equipment, proper sterlization procedures for surgery, etc. They travel up to the hole through the Polar Vortex (a wind phemonona that occurs for about three months out of the year) and make the hole a little bit bigger than it was. So the government has banned the production of CFC's. They are still being used today because we still have a lot of them left from former production of them. However, eventually we are going to run out and that will not be a good thing.

Now where was I? Ahh yes the hole in the ozone layer. Well first of all this hole isn't even a threat to any of us at all. Listen to these quotes from Dr. Jay Wile's Exploring Creatin with Physical Science p. 73.

"First of all, it is important to realize that back when Dobson first discovered the ‘ozone hole,’ CFC’s were not being widely used. Thus the ‘ozone hole’ itself cannot be traced completely back to CFC’s. It seems to be, in part, a natural phenomenon. It is also important to note, however, that over the years, the ‘hole’ has gotten deeper and deeper. In other words, the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer over Antarctica during the months of August to November is significantly lower today than it was when Dobson first discovered the ‘ozone hole.’ ....At the same time, however, the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer over Antarctica during the rest of the year (November to August) has not changed. In other words, even though the ‘ozone hole’ is deeper than it used to be, it is only deeper for about 3 and a half months out of the year. Once November passes, the ozone concentration returns to essentially the same level it has been since ozone levels have been measured."

So what is all of this saying? It's saying that this hole is no threat to anyone whatsoever. The hole only really exists for about four months out of the year! The Polar Vortex which is responsible for carrying CFC's up to the hole only occurs for about three months out of the year. So basically the government has banned CFC production to protect the few people living in Antarctica from a hole that only exists for about four months. There is not even proof that people in Antarctica are being harmed from the ozone layer whatsoever.

Why is the government doing all of this? Because they are ignorant to it. They don't diligently study science so they won't know that what they are doing is wrong scientifically. It's up to us to learn the truth about issues like this and do something about it. I am seriously thinking about writing a letter to the president telling him about all of this. So what if he might not even read it. Nobody said trying was against the law.


Sarah said...

Amen! These secular scientist don't want to listen to the Christian scientist, and in the process, they miss some great scientific truths. They jump to their own solutions, and get the word out about it. Mr. Wile has God guiding him in his studies. God has blessed him with a clear mind, and to me he's a genius. =]

Great post!

Sarah said...

Just checking up on you! How have you been?

I don't know about there, but it feels like spring here. I'm SO excited. Spring is my favorite time of year. =D

Love ya!

HBSinger said...

Hey, Sarah! I'm doing great and yes it feels like spring here too!! hehe lol. Actually more like summer. It is wayy too hot for March!!
How are you doing?
Love ya!!