Sunday, September 23, 2007


I finally finished driver's ed last friday, and let me tell you there's no better feeling. :) haha. I still have to do the driving part of course, but at least the class part is over. I was getting very tired of taking test after test and of drawing street signs. :) There was a tad mix-up last Thursday when the teacher thought I hadn't been there Tuesday...let me tell you I quickly assured him otherwise seeing as how I would never have to go back for a make-up class as much as I could help it. :) And it was really annoying since I had been there in the first place! Oh well.

Sorry I haven't been writing here much lately. Now that driver's ed is over, I will probably have more time during the week than I had before. Farewell until then...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

One down, one to go

Well I finished my first week of driver's ed last Friday. The class wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but that doesn't make it the most interesting thing I've ever been to either. :) On the first day the first 45 minutes were spent calling names so everyone could sit in alphabetical order. Then you spend the next several days hearing the most boring lectures possible in chapters in the most boring textbook possible (haha) and you get to watch videdos which demonstrate things that are common sense to most people. (At least I hope. :) ) I mean doesn't everyone know that you're not supposed to drive while drunk, talking on a cell phone, etc.? *sigh* I guess driver's ed does have its place. I have to admit though that drawing out street signs on a sheet of paper is extremely tedious and annoying (that was one of our assignments). But hey it'll be all over before I know it. (Hopefully) Then I have the driving part to look foward to. Oh joy.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Church Jokes

Seeing as how today's Sunday, I thought I'd post a few church jokes from a book I have chocked full with them. :) Enjoy.

First a few bulletin bloopers:

*"The sermon this morning is 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' Tonight's sermon is 'Searching for Jesus.' "

*"Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I Will Not Pass This Way Again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

*"The sermon topic for tonight is 'What is Hell?' Come early and listen to the choir warm up."

Here's one about a pastor and music minister:

"There was a church where the preacher and the minister of music were not getting along. As time went by, this spirit began to spill over into the worship service.
The first week the preacher preached on commitment and how we should all dedicate ourselves to God. The music director led the song, 'I Shall Not Be Moved.'
The second week the preacher preached on tithing and how we should all gladly give to the work of the Lord. The director led the song, 'Jesus Paid It All.'
The third week the preacher preached on gossiping and how we should all watch our tongues. The music director led, 'I Love to Tell the Story.'
With all this going on, the preacher became totally disgusted over the situation, and the following Sunday told the congregation that he was considering resigning. The music director led, 'Oh, Why Not Tonight.'
As it came to pass, the preacher did resign. The next week he informed the church that it was Jesus who led him there and it was Jesus who was taking him away. The music lieader led the song,' What a Friend We Have in Jesus.' "

That's it for now. :)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day

Well hope everybody has a great labor-free day tomorrow. (I've always wondered why we call it labor day. Why not anti-labor day? :) ) I will be spending my day laboring. That's right I still have to do school tomorrow. I admit that can get pretty darn annoying, but hey at least we get done pretty early in the year and I always get my birthday off. :)

Driver's ed is looming near (a week from tomorrow) and to tell you the truth I'm pretty nervous about it. :) It lasts from about 3:00 to 6:00 every day five days a week for two weeks. ugh We have to have 30 hours of classroom time (which from what I've heard is worse than watching paint dry), and at some point I guess I'll have to be driving on the highway. Man I'm going to be nervous about that. If you hear about any wrecks in that area, you'll know why. :) haha just kidding. I'm sure I'll be pretty confident by then. Hopefully.