Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day

Well hope everybody has a great labor-free day tomorrow. (I've always wondered why we call it labor day. Why not anti-labor day? :) ) I will be spending my day laboring. That's right I still have to do school tomorrow. I admit that can get pretty darn annoying, but hey at least we get done pretty early in the year and I always get my birthday off. :)

Driver's ed is looming near (a week from tomorrow) and to tell you the truth I'm pretty nervous about it. :) It lasts from about 3:00 to 6:00 every day five days a week for two weeks. ugh We have to have 30 hours of classroom time (which from what I've heard is worse than watching paint dry), and at some point I guess I'll have to be driving on the highway. Man I'm going to be nervous about that. If you hear about any wrecks in that area, you'll know why. :) haha just kidding. I'm sure I'll be pretty confident by then. Hopefully.

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