Thursday, January 7, 2010


Life can be incredibly strange. So strange in fact that it's downright funny. Some of my most interesting life observations come from looking back on the past and then seeing how much my perspective has changed since then. For example, about a year ago this month my mom dropped a bombshell on me. We were going to be moving....Instead of being the rational person that I am and taking the time to think through this announcement, I immediately freaked out.
Me: "WHAT THE HECK?!?! Are you kidding me???? This is gonna mess up and ruin my life!!!! I'm gonna be miserable and hate my life!!! How can you do this to me???? This is a nightmare!!!! AUGH!!!!!" (Exit stage left in a furious huff).

Now, I realize what an idiot I was. Okay I wasn't really an idiot seeing as how there was no way I could have known how good moving here could be, but I still should have looked on the positive side instead of acting like a psycho maniac. Moving here has been absolutely AMAZING and I can't imagine not living here now. It was one of the best things that happened to me (who would have thought I'd have been saying that year ago....). So yeah there's an interesting perspective change for ya....

It's also interesting how much my opinion has changed concerning this fluffly white stuff known as snow. As a child, whenever I saw snow I about went wild. I ran outside, acted like a maniac, got coated in wet snow, and ran in freezing but for some strange reason very happy. Now, snow is more of a bother than anything else (no I'm not a Scrooge or anything). It's pretty, I'll grant you that, but seeing as how I don't even get school off for it there's really no point to it. It only keeps me cooped up in the house all day and all my plans get canceled. So I've been pretty frustrated because it's been snowing allll day and it'll probably be snowing more tomorrow so who knows how mad I'll be after it's all over....But hey, no point in fretting about the weather right?



Jesus loves me! said...


Ivianella said...

I really like this blog...
and i think like you too...
So, i don't speak english very well... I'm sory for that!
-good luck.