Thursday, August 9, 2007

Really Tired

Well the busyness of this week has finally come to an end. (Thank goodness.) Not that I didn't have fun, but I'm just really tired. I've been waking up every morning to the sound of my cell phone going off. (Every time I put a calendar event on my phone, it beeps to warn you about it until you click OK.) It can be quite annoying to say the least. :) Anyways, the rest of VBS went pretty well. Some of the kids got extremely annoying at times, and I neared exhaustion just sitting around in the foyer waiting for them to get done with music. (haha)

The rest of the business course went well. Wendesday we had a health speaker who almost no one agreed with. I agree that we should try to eat healthy, but she was basically saying that the Bible says we shouldn't eat meat, dairy, wheat, or anything else. (Supposedly she lives off of fruit and vegetables.) To prove her point she only used verses from the Old Testament, and never any verses from the New. Jesus, Himself, said not to pronunce anything God made unclean. So basically this woman is consistently following Old Testament rules that Jesus said aren't necessary anymore. Well each to his or her own. Not sure what that speech had to do with business in the first place anyways. Ah well. :)

That's all for now. Hope everybody is having a great week, and is managing to stay cool. Right now it is 100 degrees here at 8:16 in the evening. Sad huh? My mom is even allowing our pet cat to stay in the house at night time since it's so hot. It must be pretty darn hot for my mom to allow an animal in the house. :)

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