Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bad Trip

These past few days have not exactly been too fun....but let me start at the beginning.

Monday, my dad had to go to the unverisity hosiptal that he goes to to get a whole bunch of tests done. Well since this place is about three hours away and he had to have stuff done Monday and Tuesday, he and my mom had to spend the night, which meant me and my brothers had to go with them. Now at first you might think, "Oh how fun! One-two nights in a hotel in a city you've never been before". Let me get one thing straight. It was not fun. At all. Okay there were a few bright spots, but in general it was all pretty nightmarish. First of all I had to share a hotel room with both of my wild hooligan brothers. Yeah it doesn't take a genius to figure out that that wasn't exactly a little slice of heaven. Second I was supposed to take the PSAT on Wednesday, and if we had to spend two nights I wasn't going to be able to make it back for that. So I was pretty ticked about having to miss it because I wanted to be ready for the SAT and all, and I also wanted to be able to see a few people I know who go to that school. So I was pretty bummed and my only hope was that the doctors appointments got done really early on Tuesday so we could go home Tuesday night.

So Monday was pretty uneventful and boring (exept I barely refrained from slamming my brothers' heads into the mirror when they started throwing a football around the hotel room). Tuesday was just plain annoying. While our parents were at the hospital we did some school (or at least I did. You can't except my brothers to do anything like that.....hehe) and then watched a movie. Then we decided that we were hungry, but we were just too dang lazy to go down the hotel's restaurant and get the food ourselves. So we had this brilliant idea. Why not order room service? If we had to sit around a boring hotel room all day we definitely deserved this luxury. So my brother called down there and they said the food would be ready in about 30-45 minutes. So we sat on the bed and waited, waited, (I probably threw a hairbrush at my brothers sometime in this interminable period), and waited some more. Pretty soon it got to be 1:30, a whole hour and fifteen minutes after we had called, and we were getting panicky, mad, and ornery. Where the heck was our food? Well as we sat there stewing and debating the matter, there was a knock at the door. I was so hungry that I just about bolted to the door and almost threw it open without looking through the little peephole (a very unwise thing to do when you're alone in a hotel room. I mean it could have been an axe murderer out there for all I knew). Well luckily I checked it, and to my consternation there was no food service person out there but a cleaning person. When I opened the door, she piped up, "Housekeeping," in a heavily accented voice. Well apparently we had forgotten to keep up our Do Not Disturb sign onthe door, because she was all fire determined to get in there and houseclean. Since she apparently didn't know much English, it took me a while to explain that no we didn't want room service at the moment and yes we had meant to put the sign on our door. Well she finally left, and by this time we were all pretty dang mad cause there was still no sign of our food.

Well at about 1:50 we'd had enough. I know room service can be slow, but unless the food deliverer was an old man going about one millimeter per second there was no way it should take this long. Well I phoned down there and explained our situation. The lady said, "Well we meant to call you earlier to tell you that spaghetti (one of the things we had ordered) wasn't on the menu." Well, I thought to myself, why the heck didn't they dial our room number and tell us that simple fact? Or they could have come up to our room and delivered us the rest of our food at least and then let us order something else in place of the spaghetti. Well I took a deep breath and was about to tell her something else in place of the spaghetti, when she said, "I'm sorry but we're closing in ten minutes." No way. This couldn't be happening. I gulped and said, "So does that mean you won't be able to deliver us any food?" "Yes ma'am," she responded. "We're very sorry." Sure you are, I thought sourly. I bet you're just heartbroken. Out loud I said, "That's all right. It's fine," and hung up the phone. So there were the three of us, hungry enough to start eating the bedspread, with no suitable lunch. Our only options were: 1: Go down to the restaurant and demand our food using force if necessary. Okay so that one was definitely out. I didn't want to get jailed just for a grilled cheese sandwich. 2: Sue them for everything they owned. Ehh too much trouble. And finally 3: Have a meal of Cheetos, and chocolate cookies that our mother packed as snacks for us. Yep we went with the 3rd option. So out of that whole experience I learned one thing. Never order room service again from that completely incompetent bunch of crazies in the hotel restaurant. Oh and never have a meal of Cheetos and chocolate cookies if you can help it. Makes you feel sick, okay?

Well the rest of the trip was pretty much the same amount of annoying. We spent about half the rest of the time arguing over whether to rent Indiana Jones or Iron Man, and the boys kept raiding the vending machine using my money. Then my parents came back zonked, so we were going to spend the extra night and I wouldn't make it back in time for the PSAT. Well I was pretty dang mad, but I got over that cause my dad didn't get a very good report. The MRI showed his brain tumor had grown about four times as large as last time, which is why his speech has been messed up. Soo now he'll be starting on the new drugs in the next several days (they're mailing them too us) so hopefully they are really going to help him. Your prayers are greatly greatly appreciated =]

That's it for now...


Puppyluvr91 said...

Aww, I'm sorry you had such a rough few days. =[ Ugh I would be sooo mad about the whole room service thing too! I mean how hard would it have been for them to just call your room and tell you they didn't have spaghetti??

I hope the new drugs help your dad a lot! I will be praying for you guys. =]

HBSinger said...

Thanks soo much, Hannah!! It means a lot *hugs* love ya and I hope you're doing great! =]