Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh Man

*The other day I was about to go to bed when I noticed this wierd looking rash on my neck. It was small, but not small enough to be dimissed as nothing by a hypochondriac like me. So I ran to show my mom, who looked at it and said that if it didn't go away soon we'd go to a doctor or something. That's what did it. Whenever someone mentions the possibility of me having to go to the doctor, I get the feeling that my ailment is more serious than it seems (since if it was nothing I wouldn't have to go to the doctor in the first place). So after checking it about 10 more times in the mirror (I guess I expected it to grow in front of my eyes) I finally crawled into bed. That was really a waste of effort seeing as how I probably got about 5 minutes of sleep. Everytime I was about to drop off I kept thinking about what that horrible rash could possibly be doing to me. What if it was one of those freaky bug bites that killed a person in 24 hours? What if it was shingles? What if....and the what ifs kept going and going still I was pretty sure my number would be up in just a few hours...I seriously was about to have a panic attack. I mean what would they put in my obituary? Well I woke up the next day (after having a horrible nightmare that the rash had spread all over my neck in the few minutes that I was actually sleeping) and rushed to the mirror. The bad news; it was still there. The good news; well I wasn't dead (at least I was pretty sure I wasn't) plus it hadn't gotten any bigger. And now, as I speak, it's almost all faded away. It was probably some kind of dermitis or something. But the point of all that? I am a total hypochondriac who probably needs help because I wasted a whole night worrying about a fairly small rash. *sigh*

*Taking care of the lizard didn't go as badly as I thought it would. I did get to wear gloves when I picked it up (thank goodness) but I don't think I had to worry about getting hurt. By the time that thing got up the energy to do anything to you, you could already be out of the country (or at least on the state line). But I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible cause the thing kept shooting me wierd looks and those little beady eyes were seriously creeping me out....Well as I finished cleaning up the cage I looked next to the huge stack of newspapers where I had left the key. One problem. There was no key. I immediately started freaking out. I first accused my brother of hiding it from me. He denied it, and I believed him cause he seemed as freaked out as I did. (Hey we both wanted our money. Plus we really didn't want our neighbor to attempt to kill us by getting that lizard after us for losing the key. ) The idea of getting on the lizard's (plus my somewhat formidable neighbor's) bad side was not on my agenda, so I started hunting like crazy. I started looking under all the newspapers, and was about to start digging through the trash when suddenly the door creaked open. Never a good sign when you and your brother are alone in a strange house with a big creepy lizard on the kitchen floor....However, when a voice boomed out, "We're back!" I realized it was the neighbors home early. And right as I had misplaced the key too...
My brother turned to me and weakly said, "Well what do you know. They're back." I felt like I had just fallen into the haphazard plot of a comedy TV show. "uhhh well what do you know," I managed to squeak out. I was about to say something about the key, but my neighbor started in talking. Let's just say when she starts talking, it's hard to get her to stop. So I waited while she went on and on about random things (I was really too worried to listen at this point and was imagining myself being killed in a so called "accident" involving a giant lizard and possibly a shot gun if there was one around). When she finally stopped and gave us our money, she said, "Well where's the key?" I gulped rather loudly and said, "I left it by the newspapers." Now that was no lie because I had left it there in the first place. Plus I hadn't really had a chance to finish looking yet, so maybe it was still there somewhere. It just had to be or I was toast. So after I told her that, I got out the door as fast as I could without being rude, and ran to the car (even though I was tempted to attempt to flee the state while I still had the chance)......Well as luck would have it she hasn't called yet demanding to know where I put the key, so either she found it or she's waiting till she sees met next so she can let me have it. Well I'm going to assume it's the first. I mean that key just couldn't get up and disappear of its own accord. Unless the lizard somehow ate it while we weren't looking. Now that's always a possibility.......


1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

That's good your rash went away! That would really scare me too!

Wow, I would freak out if I lost the key like that! Hopefully she did find it. =]