Monday, January 12, 2009

You Know What's Annoying....

*....writing endless papers on Moby Dick. Seriously this one I started today has to be the 3rd one I've done. (We finally started school back today btw). Not only do I really not enjoy writing papers, but Moby Dick has to be one of the most boring books I have ever read. Now I am willing to give most books that I read a good chance, but I'm sorry. Nothing much appeals to me concerning the subject of whaling. Reading about it is just not the way I would choose to spend my way, and writing about it is even worse....*sigh* oh well. Maybe I'll finally finish it. Someday....

*.....people at grocery stores who don't show up at the customer service desk to take your application. (haha). Seriously, last week I went to two places to apply for a job; a restaurant, and a grocery store. They both gave me the old, "We're not hiring right now but we're always accepting applications" monologue. Well I filled out the forms and this afternoon I went down to the grocery store to turn mine in. There was no problem. There was no one at the desk that takes applications and deals with customer complaints and stuff. There was also no sign of any of the managers. Now by this time I was seriously annoyed. I drove all the way down here just to stand in the front of the store and look like an idiot. Finally, after a few minutes of feeling extremely conscpicuous and worrying about being mistaken for some kid up to no good, I decided just to get out of there. Guess tomorrow after school I'll go back and demand to see a manager. Can you imagine me doing that?.....ha

Well I have a lot more things that annoy me but that's all I can think of for now....haha. I would appreciate prayer for my cousin though. She had surgery this past week, and I would really appreciate prayers for her recovery. If you didn't know, she has a condition which causes large tumors to grow on her face and stuff. So the surgery was supposed to help lift her face up a little since the tumors were making it sag. It's too early to tell if it's worked yet or not, but we're praying that it will. Thanks so much. =]


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jedi knight said...
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