Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A few random things that have been going on....

*First of all I would appreciate prayer for my grandma. She's spending this week getting a whole lot of tests done on her heart, and tomorrow she's going to talk to her new doctor who's going to give her a second opinion on her heart problems. So prayer for healing for her would be great....

*Second, I'm incredibly stressed about school and ready for it to end. In case you didn't know this, when it comes to school I am the biggest perfectionist the world has ever seen. If I don't get an 100 on every test I freak out. If I get a B I might possibly go on a crying jag. If I get a C, well heaven help us cause I basically explode.....haha. I'm exaggerating a little, but I am HUGE perfectionist when it comes to grades. Especially now that I'm thinking really hard about college and stuff. I'm mainly stressed about my huge end of year chemistry test (which could determine whether I make an A this semester or not because it counts twice) which is going to cover the entire semester's worth of chemistry. So basically I've been studying so hard I've got chemistry seeping out of my skin. I'm taking it probably a week from Friday, so hopefully I'll have time to review all the material before then...I also have several big French tests, a lot of big math tests, a history tests, and probably some more tests that I'm not even aware of....*sigh* I NEED summer!

*Third, so no far no one has looked at our house yet, which is pretty discouraging considering how nice and big it is and what a beautiful location it's in. I've guess I've just got to be patient, but it's definitely hard to be....I would really appreciate prayer for this whole house selling situation as well, and prayer for us as we look at other options (like renting the house momentarily or something) if we can't sell it in a few months. *sigh* Why does everything have to be so darn complicated?

Well that's it for now. Later. ;)

1 comment:


Hi Hannah,
I found your blog by accident. While reading Michael's blog I noticed that you were listed as a friend, so it was a real pleasure to click on it and find you. Although we really miss seeing your smile and getting the great questions and comments from you in Sunday School, we all understand completely your reluctance to be there. Now that I've found you, I'll stay in touch. Hugs and warm hellos to your mom and brothers from me. We're still available if you need us for anything.