Monday, August 24, 2009

The Chorus

Well, I passed the chorus audition. Let’s just say it was about the easiest audition (okay it was the only audition) I’ve ever done. The lady in charge had told me to prepare a hymn to sing, so I prepared one and worked diligently on it for days. Let’s just say that when I work diligently on a song you can hear loud screams, bizarre sobbing noises, and the loud bang of piano keys coming from the music room (yes, I’m a bit of a perfectionist). Anyways, I brought my book of Italian arias along, just in case she decided to let me sing one of those instead. Well turns out she did. (All that diligent work on that hymn for nothing. Sorry to my poor family who had to listen to me ;) ). I sang through one page, and then she stopped me. After that she had me sing some sirens and do some echo singing. Then she gave me the thumbs up and said, "You’re in." I was pretty dang relieved. For a minute there, I was afraid she had stopped me on the Italian song because of the torture involved with listening to my voice....

The good news is that the singing was a lot of fun. We worked on Christmas carols (from the Dicken’s era) for our Christmas performance (it’s never too early to sing Christmas songs in my opinion) and the director was very good. However, there was a negative side. Virtually everyone there was younger than me. The group mainly consisted of middle school girls (and a few ones even younger). Now I’m certainly not knocking girls younger than me. Not at all. The thing is, when you’ve been taking voice lessons for 3 years and have had a lot more experience than everybody else in the group, you kind of get the feeling that you don’t fit in. So when I got home I decided to just forget the whole thing and save myself some heartache.

Well, a few days later my mom happened to be talking to the director on the phone (for some reason or another that is really too complicated to explain). My mom said that the director said (a bit confusing I know, but bear with me) that I should give it another try because 1: New things should always be given a second chance; 2: One of the girls there was actually 18 (I did not see that one coming, but oh well. I guess I shouldn’t be talking because I’m kind of young looking myself.); and 3: There was another girl who was closer to my age (15 to be exact) who was in the choir, but just didn’t happen to be there that day. Soo the bottom line is that I will be giving it another try. I hate to back out of things after only the first day, and who knows. Maybe something miraculously wonderful will happen that will end up changing my life forever. ( Well I kind of doubt that, but you really never know. ;))

The only thing I have left to say is that I can’t believe it’s the last week of summer. This really has been the fastest moving summer I can remember for a while. And you know what’s funny? This has actually been the longest break we’ve ever had from school over the summer. Odd. *sigh* ;)

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

YAY!!! Go Hannah! I'm so glad you passed the audition. :) I hope it'll be fun when you give it another try! Especially since there are at least two girls who are about your age.