Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Few Things You May Not Know About Me....

*I can not stand to stay up late. (I know, I'm a wierd teenager but I just can't help it). I can make it until about 10:45 at the latest, and then I'm just plain out. If people in my family are making noise at that late an hour, I will stick my head out of my bedroom and tell them, (in a very nice voice), to please shut their mouths. On youth trips I am always the first person to go to bed. Sorry, that's just me. If I don't get my full 8 hours,....well you don't want to know what I'm like then. Really and truly stuff of nightmares....I will make exceptions for slumber parties however. I can get pretty hyper when it comes to those, but my hyperness normally lasts till about 2 AM. Then you can just plain forget me staying up another second. I really don't know how I'm going to make it in college....*sigh*

*I hate most modern TV shows that teens are addicted to (please don't write me off as a wierdo.) I like the oldies: Andy Griffith, Cosby, Columbo (I'M MAJORLY ADDICTED TO THAT SHOW), and stuff like that (though I will confess a weakness for So You Think You Can Dance. Great show, great show ;) ).

*I've become a bit more health conscientious over the last few months. I try to avoid all processed junk food, try to eat organics, use all natural products as much as possible, and get sunlight (which I desparately need. I'm so pale I could probably pass as a vampire). I think health is fascinating, which is probably a reason I want to go into the alternative health field. I could really talk about that kind of stuff all day. ;)

*I get frustrated very easily. I have zilch patience levels.

*I hate talking on the phone. Please just text me instead. (Notice: I will make exceptions for particularly awesome people).

*I am a proud Harry Potter addict.

*I have bad allergies. Dust, dairy, cashews, salmon, you name it and I'm probably sensitive in some way to it....*sigh*

*I love to drive. Heck, I'm even a little nostalgic for the driver's ed days *sniff sniff*

*My birthday is November 15 (repeat it to yourself until you can say it in your sleep).

Gtg, so that's it for now. ;)


tim said...

Great blog, Hannah.

HBSinger said...

Thanks, Pastor Tim!! ;) It's always great to get another reader =]

Puppyluvr91 said...

lol, I can relate to most of these! I actually can stay up fairly late (till about 12 or 12:30, although I definitely don't do that on school nights 'cause I'd be a zombie the next day at school lol) but definitely not as late as a lot of teenagers! I can't believe it when some people say they stay up till like 3 in the morning! That's crazy lol.

And yeah, I don't really watch a lot of modern TV shows either. I have like two favorite current shows that I watch, but I don't watch most of them, and I really like a lot of the old shows.

Yay for Harry Potter!