Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone (a little late.) I hope you all had a very enjoyable one. I sure did. Going to church is always a very special experience for me on Easter, and doing absolutely nothing but relaxing yesterday afternoon was not exactly unfun to say the least. :) My day started early (a good deal earlier than I wished) as our church had a sunrise service at 7:00. in the graveyard.My mom roused me out of bed at 6:15 (thank goodness she didn't wake me up with that bird alarm clock of hers) and we left at about 6:45. When we got there it was absolutely freezing (it was about 21 degrees.) As the service progressed, I reprimanded myself for not bringing gloves. My hands were about to go numb, and my poor friend was only wearing flip-flops. (About an hour later she happily announced she could feel her toes again.) Anyways, besides the horrible chill in the air the service was very enjoyable and I'm glad I was able to make it that early. I'm still a bit surprised that my brothers managed to get up. If you're acquainted with them you know what I mean. :) They're not exactly morning people. But hey I'm not either so I shouldn't be talking.

The rest of the morning went fine and I was more than happy that we would be having none of our youth activities that afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I love doing bells and choir and all that, but it is extremely nice to take a break now and again. Bell ringing can really get on one's nerves at times :) Well I have nothing else eventful to say so I'll end this. Hope you all had a great Easter, and remember Easter is about a bit more than just the Easter bunny. :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

YAY!! Yeah, Easter is always a wonderful time. OH MY GOODNESS!! We had a sunrise service too, but we chickened out and did it inside. :-P I can't imagine having it outside in that cold weather! Wow, you poor thing. Hehe, well... I'm glad it went alright and you got warm again. =]

Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting a break every now and then. HINT HINT to schoolwork... lol!! I can't wait till I finish school.

Love ya!