Monday, May 7, 2007

Church Stuff

Well it was pretty nice getting to go back to our regular church yesterday after being gone for two weeks. In Sunday School we got in the van and drove by some of our members' homes who don't come to church that often and prayed for them. It was a nice experience, and our group was about the quietest I've ever heard them (except for when the teacher asks who would like to pray aloud) :) I didn't really know many of the people we were praying for, so I just had to come up with a good vision of what they might look like in my head. :)

That evening we had bells, and we had so few people show up that we had what our director calls a "polishing party". Let me tell you it's certainly not what the average person would call a "party". It consists of polishing bells with a special odd smelling polish until the rubber gloves you're wearing turn a greenish-blackish color. (My friend's actually turned yellow which was quite a bit odd looking. :) And we had to go through many many octaves, (I kind of lost count towards the end.) So after all that we had choir, which was a bit more pleasant. We only had six people but I have to say we sounded pretty good for having such few people. Unfortunately next year we're losing three of our key members, so I'm not so sure we'll sound that great next year. :) Oh well. I'm sure we'll make it. After that I think some people were going to stick around to play volleyball, but I can assure you that I wasn't one of them.

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