Friday, May 25, 2007

Time Flies

Well my grandparents left this morning after spending almost an entire week with us while our parents were gone on a retreat. (Time really does fly. This week just sped by) We had a great time just relaxing, playing awesome games like Connect Four (which I can sometimes stink at), and last night we bought Night at the Museum on paperview. It was a hilarious movie and if you haven't seen it you should. It is really really good. Also during this week I've gotten a lot of reading done, and since I don't really have anything else to say about my life I thought I'd mention some of these books.

First I read a quaint book from the early 1900's (I think) entitled What Katy Did Next which was about a girl traveling to England with a woman and her daughter. I admit it got a bit boring at times due to the very loong descriptions, (it described almost every little detail about every place that they went) but it was still pretty good. Then I read a murder mystery called Angel's Gate which is about a miner who was murdered and the mystery surrounding his death and his two children who supposedly run wild around the countryside. It was very interesting, but a bit odd at times. Currently I'm reading a book called Annie which is based on the true story of the Rowlands family who sailed from England to America immediately following the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The book moves a little bit slow at times, but is still very entertaining and enjoyable.

Well I am greatly looking forward to next week due to the fact that there is absolutely nothing coming up. Hopefully I won't get too lazy over this summer. :) That's it for now.

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