Friday, May 11, 2007

Thank Goodness It's Friday

Well the last few days have been a bit on the busy side for me, so I'm definitly looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Yesterday I was forced to take the standardized tests (even though we're homeschooled I still have to take them.) The vocabulary test was a bit harder than I thought it would be. In fact, about 30 minutes after I had taken the test I realized that I had for sure missed one ,because a word I had to give a definition for on the test, turned up in a book I was reading. It was then that I realized its true meaning. *sigh* Oh well. Hopefully that was the only one I missed on that one. :) The reading comprehension test wasn't too bad, but extremely boring in every possible way. There was a very ridiculous poem about some kind of plant that I had to answer questions about, and trust me it was no piece of fun. (I'm not a big poetry fan if you haven't already guessed.) After I got through the rest of the language test, I had to face the math section which I had been dreading for a good while. Two years ago when I took the math part I completely panicked and instead of thinking through things, I got freaked out whenever I saw a problem I couldn't figure out almost instantly. Luckily this year the math section was much much easier. In fact, I feel more confident about that one than the language part, (and for me that's saying something. :) The only problem is one of the choices for each math problem (it's a multiple choice test) is "none of the above". Cruel huh? *sigh* I got through it though, and now we're just waiting for the results.

This afternoon I helped out with a food distrubution process at our church. (Our church gets together boxes of food and sells them to the community at a cheap price.) Right now my fingertips are freezing from touching all those refrigerated foods, and my arms and legs are pretty dang exhausted from running back and forth and packing all those boxes. But hey I still enjoyed it and I was able to eat a doughnut which I only get about once a millenium. Okay more like once or twice a year, but still. It was the Krispy Kreme type with sprinkles, moist bread, chocolate frosting that melts in your mouth...Okay I'll stop there. :) Anyways, hope you've had a great week and hope you have a nice mother's day weekend. All I have left to say is... Thank goodness it's Friday.

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