Monday, May 28, 2007

Allergies and Other Stuff

Well this past Saturday I got the results back from my allergy blood test. The day before I had been completely freaking out cause the doctor had called and said for me to avoid all nuts, and I was guessing that meant peanuts. (If you don't already know I absolutely loooove peanut butter. It is one of the best foods ever. Okay I can stop now :) Anyway, the next day I got the actual results back. Cashews, of course, were off the chart, and I also found out I am highly allergic to almonds as well. But I am not allergic at all to pecans, walnuts, or peanuts. You can guess I was pretty ecsatic when I found out that peanuts were okay. The only problem is that my bro is highly allergic to peanuts, so we can never keep it in the house. I was pretty sad about this since right after I found out I wasn't allergic to peanuts I really felt like getting into some peanut butter. Turns out, the next day our church had a Memorial luncheon and some wonderful angel brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (I have not had one of those for a year or more probably.) I'll be forever in that person's debt. haha.

Well I hope everyone is having a great very relaxing Memorial Day. We aren't doing anything special, but relaxing doing nothing is okay with me anytime. :) Unfortunately, I have to do a tad bit of math this afternoon (I have to work through some kind of algebra 1 honors program we never got done in the regular year.) But hey at least we only have to do it twice a week. If it was more than that I might have to rebel. :)

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