Friday, June 22, 2007

Horrible Heat

I am literally about to burn up. This heat down here is making me long for winter again. :) I've just been out riding my bike and after about 15 minutes gave up trying to pretend it wasn't hot, came in and started glugging water. Luckily I haven't had to spend too much of my day outside so far, though, cause this morning I was asked to take pictures for a local children's reading program. (If you don't know this about me already I looove taking pictures.) Unfortunately there were only nine shots on the camera, so I had to spread out the shots over the whole morning. (Luckily the thing only lasted about two hours.) The irking thing about being a photographer, however, is that lots of people simply refuse to get their pictures taken. For instance, my brother warned me that if I took any pictures of him at this thing he would never forgive me as long as I lived, and one woman remarked , "You can take all the pictures you want, but you better not dare to take any pictures of my backside." :) So yes that's the kind of people us photographers have to deal with. haha

Well I am getting more and more excited about next month for several reasons: 1: Church camp is in about a week and a half (more on this later), 2: The next Harry Potter movie and the final Harry Potter book come out, and 3: We get to travel a ways up north for my cousin's wedding. So yes I am very excited about all of these things and I will tell you more about them in due time. :) I'm also excited about going up north and getting away from this heat. It'll be just my luck though if it's as hot up there as it is down here. *sigh*

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