Thursday, July 26, 2007


Well we made it back from vacation yesterday after a great trip. The first two days of vacation we spent in a city about halfway to our destination, and during that time we swam some, and my dad endlessly shopped at used bookstores. :) Then on Friday we arrived in Pennsylvania, and that night there was a square dance in honor of the wedding. And let me tell you square dancing is not at all like ballet, (which I used to take.) haha. The next day we got the last Harry Potter book (we just couldn't make it to midnight the night before), and I had the book finished by the next day. I just couldn't put it down. :) Probably later on I'll post a review for it.

The wedding was on Saturday, and then the rest of the days we just spent relaxing. On Sunday we went to Longwood Gardens which was very nice, but extremely expensive. (My dad kept bringing up the fact that it cost 1oo dollars just to get in and eat lunch.) Anyways thanks very much for praying for safe travel, and it's good to be back on here. :) Hope everybody had a great week.

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