Saturday, July 28, 2007


Yesterday I got to have my first ever driving lesson. And by the fact that I'm still alive to post this, you can assume that I didn't do too bad. :) We did it in our church's parking lot, and my brothers (who for some reason decided to tag along) decided it would be funny to poke their heads out the door of the church and make loud noises which sounded like boos for the first few minutes. They got bored with that after a little while though. :) haha. I started off driving a little shakily, which resulted in me running into a flower bed. But once I warmed up I think I did pretty good. And I managed to avoid the one car parked in the parking lot. :)

Believe it or not I'm still working on the Nancy Drew computer game "The Secret of the Old Clock". If you remember back in my very first blog in December, I mentioned how I was about to start that game. It has to be the most frustrating ND game out there. :) First of all I got stuck on this sewing machine part. Neither me or my friend could beat it, but believe it or not my brother managed to. And now I'm stuck on rearranging this wierd picture that looks like it's completely right to me. *sigh* And on the other extreme I bought another one of those games last week, started it Wednesday, and beat it the next day. It was a bit too short in my opinion. That just shows you how different those games can be. haha

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