Wednesday, January 23, 2008


A few things that I've been doing lately.

*For school I've been reading The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Let's just say that it's not my most favorite book in the world. ;) It has a bit too much fishing terminology, (not the most interesting) and the amount of literature questoins is nearly hearbreaking. *sigh*. Luckily I finish it tomorrow. But don't let me deter you from reading it. You might love it for all I know. ;)

*This past week I was appointed to be in charge of our church's sign. Oh joy. haha. just kidding. It's actually rather interesting. However, when the wind is blowing, it's absolutely freezing, and you're hands are turning red and puffy because you didn't bring gloves, it's not so much fun anymore. ;) hehe.

*Last night I was trying to convince my parents to let me sit up till 11 to watch the end of the Kentucky-Tennessee basketball game (and yes KY won thank you very much. ;) ). I attempted to explain how sitting up till 11:30 last Sat. night had resulted in me waking up refreshed, rejuvenated, and bursting with energy early the next day. Yeah I can see why they didn't buy that one. ;) Then I tried plain out begging. But that didn't work too well either. School nights can stink let me tell you.....hehe

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