Thursday, January 17, 2008

Random Things

A few random thoughts.

*It actually snowed here today (definitely not normal). The only bad thing? We didn't get school off. Darn.

*I hate geometry. And then when I start doing okay I love it.

*Pop-ups that get rid of all my windows open on my computer drive me nuts.

*I am attempting to learn Spanish. Unfortunately, I would probably use this phrase all the time to a spanish speaker, "No entendi bien. Me puede hablar un poco mas despacio?" (I didn't understand very well. Can you please speak a little slower?) They do talk terribly fast. ;)

*Mississippi State can be a very annoying basketball team.

*One reason I never go on the youth ski trip: I always imagine myself flipping over and either landing on my face or breaking my neck. Yeah you get the picture. ;)

*One of my favorite quotes from Wintson Churchill: "A member of Parliament was giving a long and boring speech when he noticed Churchill's eyes were closed. 'Must you fall asleep while I am speaking?' the man asked. 'No', replied Winston with his eyes still closed. 'It's purely voluntary.' "

*One more quote from Churchill. "During my life I have often had to eat my own words and I have found them a wholesome diet."

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

Heyy, I'm back! LOL. I should be on here a lot more now. :D

Ahh, so it snowed where you are too! Yeah, it snowed on Wednesday here, but sadly, it wasn't cold enough for it to stick. :(

Ah, geometry. I finally finished that class last semester. I didn't do too good, but I'm happy that I passed with a decent grade. lol. So, are you in Spanish 2? I just started Spanish 2 this semester. I know what you mean! It's really easy for me to just write Spanish and take written tests...but speaking it is a whole different story! lol. lol, I'd be exactly the same way with the ski trip! I've always been too afraid to try skiiing. lol