Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh Beautiful Weekend

So far I have been enjoying a very relaxing weekend after a pretty tough week in school (it felt more like a month of school to me). Not that I didn't enjoy it of course, I'm just not quite used to such a rigorous schedule as of yet. ;) hehe. Anyways, today I have been doing absolutely doing. I actually slept till 10 (which is pretty darn late for me), and then went to the coffee shop and stuffed my face. ;) *sigh* I just can't regret that act though. haha.

The weather is being a big tease today. It's been a pathetic mix of rain and snow (we're supposed to be getting about 6 inches of snow. Yeah right). But one can always hope I suppose. Not that I want to get snowed out of church tomorrow, but going to handbell practice at 8:30 AM doesn't sound very appealing at the moment. ;)

Well that's it for now. Later my friends. ;)

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

lol, I slept in pretty late today too. :P
Wow, 6 inches? I don't think we'll ever get that much. lol. Well, it's not snowing here, but it's freezing! It was only 15 degrees when I woke up this morning!