Sunday, January 27, 2008


Since I'm stuck with the remainders of a sinus headache, I have nothing better to do than give a book review I suppose. Sooo here's one for The Legacy of Lillian Parker, a book I just read that is a nice break from rigid school reading. ;) hehe.

This story revolves around Lillian Parker (surprise), the daughter of a deseased millionare. When she discovers her father embezzled his own company (Michigan Technologies) out of much money, she finds herself removed from her position in the company and feels deserted even by her own finance. While contemplating suicide, she finds a verse in the Bible which gives her new hope and a desire to start afresh. She heads to the mountain retreat of Compton Gap to get away from everything, and there meets Dave, a talented park ranger. While at Compton Gap, she finds out much about herself, her future, Dave, and the fate of her brother Scott who was taken prisoner during the Vietnam War.

This book struck me as very different from most romance novels I have read, and I enjoyed the Christian content. The characters were very congenial, however a few aspects of the plot were a little bit fake. Things move a bit too fast between Dave and Lillian for instance. However, overall I truly enjoyed the book, and would give it 4 stars out of 5.

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