Monday, September 15, 2008

No Drama, Okay?

I really really hate acting. Seriously, acting or speaking in public is up there on my list of things I'd rather jump off a 50-foot cliff than do. I can just imagine; the lights going down on the stage, and suddenly the stoplight's focused on me. I open my mouth and either 1: Nothing comes out, 2: I get a total mind block and run off the stage in a fit of agony; 3: I suddenly have breathing problems because I'm hyperventilating, and the list of horrible things go on. So yesterday when our youth group was having a drama meeting, I slunk down in my chair and tried very hard to remain inconspicuous when they started asking who wanted what part. Now, you may be asking, why the heck would I, of all people, be in a drama meeting? Well before we do drama on Sunday nights we always do music stuff, which I enjoy. So, I thought, maybe after the music I could just sneak out the back and no one would notice.....Well after thinking that through I decided it just wasn't smart. I would just have to tough it out and explain to them that I just couldn't act. Not at all. No chance. Zilch. Okay you get the point....So I bared my teeth and slowly walked into the room like I was walking into an execution chamber.

There was really no point in worrying. All I had to do was not open my mouth. That really wasn't a problem though because everytime the guy asked who wanted what part everyone started talking at once. So I was very pleased. Especially when we had to end before they'd given out all the parts. So I'm hoping that next week I will be able to have the same luck. Trust me. You probably don't want to see me on a stage acting. Unless you find it amusing to watch someone trip, pass out on the stage, or die of embarrassment.

On a different note, I finally heard from my voice teacher the other day. I still haven't got a lesson time yet cause she's still working out her schedule, but at least I heard from her. I was afraid she was avoiding me or something......haha. It's a good thing I finally heard from her too, cause I was seriously about to internally combust what with chemistry (which is no walk in the park) plus everything else I've got going on. . So yeah if you hear any loud explosions in the next few days you'll know why.....



Puppyluvr91 said...

Ohh yes, I totally know how you feel. I haaate getting up in front of people like that! Hopefully everything with the drama meeting went okay and you won't have to have a part where you say a lot of stuff!

And that's good you finally heard back from your voice teacher. :]

HBSinger said...

Haha I'm soo happy cause I just told him I didn't want a part, and he actually was fine with it! So all that worrying for But thanks for the encouragement and I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates speaking in public like I said before....haha =]