Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moving = Chaotic

Yep this week has been pretty crazy so far. Every day we've had to pack books, pack books, and pack some more books. I mean we have over about 2 thousand of them, so I never really expected it to be a walk in the park. I just never expected it to be this tiring. You start out thinking, "Oh yeah. This'll be no problem! I can pack 10 boxes in one sitting easily!"....Then, 30 minutes and two boxes later, you're sweating like a dog, about to drop books on anybody's head who gets in your way, and too exhausted to move a finger....(exaggeration, but still. it's tiring).

Besides that, we have to pack even more of our belongings (like DVD's, CD's, and other such things) plus Wednesday we had to have a cleaning marathon because someone called about seeing the house Thursday (they came this morning as a matter of fact). Soo I had to rouse myself out of bed at the terribly early hour of 8:00, clean my room, dust my room (dust was flying everywhere I can assure you), clean my bathroom (Trust me. You don't want the details.), clean spots off the kitchen floor, (by myself I'll have you know), plus make the family room look spotless (aka make it look like no one truly human has ever set foot there). So basically between all that, studying for the impending ACT, and running miscellaneous errands and visiting with miscellenaous people, my life is pretty tiring right now. But hey, it's all worth it. I am extremely excited about this move, and I think it's gonna be awesome. Soo I guess I can tough it out for a few more days (though the rising at 8 AM thing is really not working out for me....)


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