Thursday, January 18, 2007

Let It Snow

Living toward the southern part of the U.S. is enjoyable in many ways, but weather wise it is not. I remember Christmas 2005 the newspaper headline read "Snow Snow Snow!" and predicted about 5-6 inches. The next morning we got a couple of snow flurries. A more recent example of me getting tricked by over enthuastic weather reporters: last night we were under a winter storm watch. Rumor had it we would get some snow today, a wonderful miraculous substance I haven’t seen in almost two years. My mother even said that if it snowed today we’d get school off (her announcing that is a miracle in itself). I went to bed last night envisioning waking up to at least a foot of beautiful of snow. I imagined sleeping in, throwing off the worries of long detailed history comprehension questions, algebra, mechanical science, and the like, and burying my brothers’ heads in the snow (haha). I imagined drinking large cups of hot chocolate and eating my mother’s heavenly homemade chicken noodle soup. When I woke up I noticed that it was about 15 minutes past the normal time I have to get up. "It must be snowing since Mom’s letting me sleep in some" I happily considered. I hopped out of bed and looked out the window. Guess what I didn’t see. I guess by this time I should have learned my lesson about trusting weather reporters. Well on the plus side at least I still get chicken noodle soup.


Sarah said...

AWWW that is SOOO sad. Bad weather reporter guys that lie. =D

I hope you get some REAL snow soon! We got about 2 inches yesterday... but it is melting REALLY fast. =/

Puppyluvr91 said...

Sorry you didn't get snow! I know how you feel, we never get it around here either. That's one thing I really miss about Virginia!