Sunday, January 14, 2007

Well another weekend is almost gone. Even though most kids don’t have to go to school tomorrow guess who’s mom is making them do school anyway. (Ahem) It’s funny how we just started school last Wednesday and I already have 3-4 papers to write in the immediate future such as a large research report on Jehovah’s Witnesses and a mini-report on Isaac Newton (which I stupidly suggested to my mom one day while discussing him during a science lesson. )What was I thinking?? Oh well. Tonight I have my usual array of youth activities at church. First youth bells which is pretty fun, especially since I get to play the second to highest set of bells. It can get excessively boring however when the director works with the bass bells for about 20 minutes out of the hour rehearsal. Okay maybe not that much but it sure seems like it when you’ve had the time to memorize every single one of your notes out of two or three bell songs. Maybe that’s the directors’ point. Haha. Then comes youth choir which is always an enjoyable experience. (Except when it takes us 15 minutes to go over one measure of music.) Then finally we head to the gym for youth fellowship which is fun if you’re a pretty good sports player. I enjoy playing dodge ball, and occasionally basketball, but I can’t stand everyone’s favorite game volleyball. (Let's just hope I don't have to go through the torture of playing it tonight.) I might be able to dance, but the probability of me playing volleyball with exceptional skills (and most all other sports while I’m at it) is nada. Zero. Zilch.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I soooo didn't get Monday off. =} YAY!!! Dodgeball is fun. We used to play it a lot after we had this homeschool speech class. We would play it in the community center gym,... in the dark. *evil grin* lol, I got hoarse from all my shrieking. ;-)