Sunday, January 28, 2007

Stem cell research- part two

Before I launch into my second discussion of this topic I need to correct something I said last time I talked about stem cell research. The stem cells derived from fertilized eggs are totipotent stem cells, not pluripotent stem cells. Sorry about that :) Anyways moving on, today in class we discussed the parable of the talents found in Matthew chapter 26 and how that story relates to stem cell research. In the story the master entrusts three men with a certain number of talents (money) and tells them to go out and do something with it. Two of the men use this money wisely and gain more money through it. One of the men however buries his money in the ground and does nothing with it. Thus he does not gain anything like the other two men did. The money in this parable represents talents given to us by God. God wants us to get out there and use those talents for good and not hide them or use them to show off in front of others. How does all this tie in to stem cell research you may ask? Doctors who came up with the idea of stem cell research had many talents in the medical field. According to this parable you’re supposed to use your talents for good and isn’t that what they did? Didn’t God want them to use those medical talents to come up with stem cell research to help many people overcome fatal diseases? Did He want them to just bury that idea in the sand and not do anything with it? Chew on that one for a while. I'm still thinking about it myself as I try to form an opinion about this whole issue.I’ll post more on ethical objections to this research next week.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow... hard questions. I need to learn more about this.

Still, for the doctors to first find out what stem cells do, they would have had to use the embryo. Which they shouldn't have been meddling with before. That is part of a sacred part of life. The life God intended for one purpose, to create new life.

Like you though, I'm still in the dark about most of this issue. I guess we should be praying for God to give us the right answers.

On another note, I hope you are ALL better from your cold. Now I have it. *wink*

God bless! Love ya! --Sarah