Monday, January 22, 2007

Stem cell research

Yesterday my high school Sunday School class at church started a study on stem cell research and how Christians should respond to it. Truthfully I knew basically nothing about this research before this session, but thanks to it I have been enlightened as it were. I don’t know a whole lot about it yet since we’re not done with the study, but I do know the basics so I’ll share some of them with you.
Basically this treatment revolves around stem cells (makes sense doesn’t it?) which are cells that produce other cells. These stem cells can be placed in a human’s body and can replace damaged diseased tissue with new healthy tissue. Thus this process can cure many diseases such as cancer. The controversy that comes with this subject is introduced when the subject of pluripotent stem cells comes up. (This is rather difficult to explain but I’ll do my best to not confuse you.) These pluripotent stem cells are derived from fertilized eggs and embryos that are sometimes even about 8 weeks old. After the stem cells are placed in a human's body the embryo is destroyed, thus destroying the life possibility along with it. That’s where the controversy comes in. On the one hand using these stem cells could save many human lives and turn around many horrible diseases. It would mean a positive cure for cancer. On the other hand destroying the embryo means destroying a potential life. Some people comment that it’s really not that important. After all the baby isn’t really alive as an embryo is it? I have not yet developed on an opinion on this subject yet, but I will try to form one over the next few weeks. This post may not be very clear, but I did just learn about stem cell research so don’t jump on me too hard. Meanwhile what’s your opinion? What do you believe when it comes to stem cell research? I am interested in hearing your opinions so feel free to comment. Also if I’m wrong on any of these facts please let me know. I’ll post more on this next week after our next session.


Sarah said...

I truthfully don't know much about the Stem Cell research either. =D But thanks for sharing... this was really informative, and now I know a lot more. It's still really new to me though... and it's hard to form an opinion at this time. However, I'm really firm about the whole embryo issue. It IS life, and to destroy it is as bad as murder. I am totally against abortion, and I can't see how Stem Cell research is any different. Except that they have a "good" excuse to get rid of the embryo.

Thanks again for sharing!! I feel smarter now. :-P I look forward to learning more about what your class says about it!

Love ya Hannah!

HBSinger said...

Thanks for posting, Sarah! I am completely against abortion as well so I'll probably come out against it. I can't wait to learn more about it too! (I still don't understand lots of it.) Love ya!