Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Back again

Well we made it. We're back after a pretty enjoyable, (and much needed for sanity's sake) vacation at my grandparents'. It's pretty good to get back to the grind of normal life though (never thought I'd say that), and good to get away from the very annoying little girl next door to my grandparent's. She's sweet enough, but after hearing from the little genius herself how she's doing sixth grade math while she's in third grade, having to hear about every story she's ever though up, (which is about 10 million), and hearing how she's "too advanced" for the school she's in now, I've had about enough for a while. Luckily she's moving to a different house in the summer. (Starts singing Hallejuah Chorus). Ah well. I've been thinking lately about how glorious doing algebra tomorrow is going to be. How delightful.

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