Friday, March 7, 2008

Storm of the Century

All right so my title is exaggerating a bit. =]

Last Tuesday night my dad had to run to church to look for a book he had misplaced, so he suggested that I drive him there since I haven't had a chance to drive much lately. Of course I readily agreed. I do enjoy driving with my dad even though he gets on you for the tiniest things (like stopping a tad too abruptly or not rounding the corner smoothly enough). Oh well. Anyways, on our way there it was a tad bit drizzly, but nothing that would make me nervous enough to veer off the road or anything.

We made it to the church without any incident, and after searching for several minutes my dad still couldn't find the book he was looking for. So after several more minutes of fruitless searching we decided to head on back. As we stepped outside the wind was blowing very hard (making everything very creepy as my dad and I were the only ones anywhere near the vicinity) and occasionally lightning streaked across the sky. My dad decided to take this time to teach me about the windshield wipers. He had been trying to show me on the way there, but I absolutely cannot under any circumstances attempt to learn something new while I'm in the process of driving. Both of my hands have to be clenched on the steering wheel and I can't even dream of being distracted. hehe. By this time it had started to rain a bit harder, but my dad was sure I'd be fine so I pulled out of the parking lot and started back home.

About a few seconds later the bottom dropped out. It started to pour (and I mean pour) and I could hardly see the road in front of me (even with the windshield wipers going double time). Since I really didn't want to be stuck on the highway at night with heavy rain and winds after not having driven for a while, I decided I had better pull over and let my dad drive. (He thoroughly agreed).

Several minutes down the road my mom called. (Let's just say she wasn't very happy). Firstly she certainly didn't want me to be driving in that weather, and secondly my dad wasn't officially supposed to be driving in the first place (he was supposed to wait two weeks after his last doctor's appointment because of his seizures, and it lacked about 3 days till two weeks. ). Soo after some very slow driving on the part of my dad (it would have been a very bad time to have a wreck) we finally made it home. A few minutes afterwards, hiding in his office, my dad found that missing book. So basically we risked out lives out in that awful storm to look for a book that was sitting safely in our home...*sigh* So goes life I suppose.

Later everyone

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

Wow that sounds so terrifying! I would be sooo freaked out if I had to drive in weather like that! Glad you guys made it back home safely. :)