Friday, May 30, 2008

Stupid Gnats

Our kitchen has been invaded by gnats. Or rather fruit flies I guess you would call them. Apparently someone left some rotting fruit out in the garage, and the gnats that were attracted to that made it into our house. Now they congregate on our food bar, hang around the trash, and about every other bite you take you have to swat one or two out of your way. Plus when you're trying to eat it's really gross seeing big congregations of gnats all around you. *sigh* Oh well. All I can say is though if someone ever leaves rotting fruit out in the garage again, well let's just say they're in trouble. =]

Went to get a dress yesterday for my homeschool group's end of year social tomorrow night. Sure the whole event can be a little boring at times, (at least it was last year), but this is one of the only times I get to see my homeschool friends so I am going. =] Plus I'm going to get my money's worth out of my new dress which let's just say wasn't on the cheap side.....I'll let you know how it all goes.

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

Wow, that must be sooo annoying having all those gnats in your house! A few months ago, for some odd reason we had a moth invasion. There were always moths all over the kitchen!

lol, that's funny that you were shopping for a dress, because I was doing the exact same thing on that day! lol. My grandpa's 90th birthday is this August so I was looking for a dress to wear to the party. So I guess you already went to the social? Hope it went well and that it wasn't too boring. =]