Friday, July 11, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Made it back from our trip yesterday and I must say that I am extremely glad to be home. Overall the trip was pretty enjoyable, but parts weren't so great. For example my grandma felt bad the entire time (from her cancer. Prayers for her are really appreciated), on Saturday my mom threw her back now (luckily she's better now) and Sat. I got a cold and ended up sick for the next several days. So yeah that wasn't so fun (with a sore throat you can't yell very loudly at your brothers) but I did enjoy the second part. We got to play minature golf on Monday which, except for my two solitary holes-in-one (don't ask me how I did it cause I don't know), I officially stank out. It wasn't very complimentary. But oh well =]

The trip going was fine, but the trip going back was not exactly the best. At one point all traffic on the highway was stopped for what seemed like ages due to a wreck, which threw us back about a half hour or so. I can now say, however, that I stood in the middle of a busy highway right next to an eighteen-wheeler. haha Anyways after we cleared that we ran into extremely heavy rains which resulted in my dad almost having to pull over cause he could barely see anything. Plus all threw the rainstorm my dad was complaining about how at home we never got any rain. Little did he know, however, that while we were gone it apparently rained quite a bit. Also a tornado apparently came through because when we got to our neighborhood it looked like a war zone. (Okay a bit of an exaggeration, but still) There were split and downed trees everywhere, and the whole place just looked....out of the ordinary. So satisfied now, Dad? =]


Puppyluvr91 said...

I'm sorry about your grandma. :( I'm still praying for her!

Haha, I always end up losing when my family and I play mini golf! lol.

Wow, I really hate getting stuck in traffic like that. That happened to us in Yellowstone too.

Wow, you actually had a tornado go through your neighborhood? We've had some small ones around here, but never right over us! It's a really good thing you were gone though because that probably would have been really scary! lol.

HBSinger said...

Yes I was soo glad I was gone too cause those things really freak me out! I would seriously have a panic attack if a tornado came through!! lol