Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hard to believe it's already the end of July. This summer has flown by pretty fast (even though it hasn't been the most exciting summer in the world). A few things coming up though...

*Saturday the 4th book in the Twilight series (a series about vampires, other mythical creatures, and romance if you didn't know) is coming out, and I must say I am one of those obssessed people who is very excited about it. Of course I'm not as obssessed as some who will stay up till midnight on Friday night to get it (did that with the 6th HP book and don't really want to do it again) I am still pretty excited about how she will end the series. I'll probably give a review for it later when I actually get it.

*On Tuesday we are going (once again) out of town to see my grandparents as well as my aunt, uncle, and 5 cousins who will be in town. This is the same grandmother who has breast cancer by the way. It should be pretty crowded and rambunctious, but it should be interesting. My poor mother though has to drive the whole 6-hour route because my dad can't drive because of his siezures (which are of course good). I offered to drive, but you can't drive out of state until you're 16. Plus I haven't had any experience driving the van yet so I probably shouldn't take off down the highway on it anyways.

*Besides a youth lunch today, I haven't really been doing much this week except trying to stay cool (it's as hot as you know where's down here). The lunch was pretty fun, even though they had sandwiches on store bought bread which I don't like because I'm used to my mother's homemade bread. Thus white storebought bread actually makes me feel sick afterwards. But hey it wasn't too bad and the Bible study was quite interesting. It was kind of random but oh well =]

That's it for now...

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

I know! This summer has gone by way too fast! I already have to go back to school on Wednesday. :( Hope you have fun with your grandparents! And I know what you mean, homemade bread is so much better than store bought. :P