Sunday, August 3, 2008


Yesterday was a pretty interesting day. First of all I had to (along with my brother) go feed my neighbor's lizard. Well we also had to feet a cat, but the cat really doesn't capture as much of your attention as our reptilian friend does. Let me tell you I do not like lizards (or reptiles) of any kind so I'm surprised I agreed to this job in the first place. I will never understand the appeal of owning such a strange animal that stares at you out of menacing, beady little eyes all the time. Anyways it wasn't the feeding part that worried me. It was the taking it out of its cage part. Looking at that long, creepy thing was bady enough and the last thing I wanted to do was actually touch it. However, what had to be done had to be done so seeing as how my brother wasn't touching it until I did (some brother) I put on some gloves and reached in and grabbed the thing. Luckily it was pretty lethargic and didn't try to bite my head off or anything. However I got it on the floor as quickly as I could and hoped I wouldn't be contaminated by the creature in some way.

After we were done feeding it, I finally convinced my brother to pick it up to put it back in its cage cause I certainly wasn't touching that thing again. Not only do you have to get a pretty firm grip on it, but also its tail is really really long so you have to do some maneuvering to get him to fit back in the cage. I thought I might as well let my brother do that part. That's what they're for, right? =]

After that little ordeal, which we had to repeat for thankfully the last time after church today, I got to go the mall (the only place around that has a bookstore) and get that vampire book I wanted. I'm still working on it, and I would have finished it sooner except for the fact that I'm trying to savor it because it's the last book in the series. The savoring thing isn't working too well though cause I'm already on page 500 something. It is quite good I'll say that and at the end of the 2nd part I about died of shock. Some authors just know how to throw wierd plot twists at you at the right moments, okay? =]

1 comment:

Puppyluvr91 said...

Haha wow, a lizard? lol. I don't think I've ever touched a lizard before. One of my friends in Virginia had a brother who owned a snake! I never touched it though. lol