Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cake and Copy Machines

Last night we went to a meal at church, and let's just say my brothers and I were the only ones there under 40. Soo I was beginning to get very ornery and started wishing we hadn't come, until I saw the strawberry cake. One bite of that stuff and all my complaints and worries sailed away on the breeze....okay so I'm exaggerating quite a bit. It was excellent cake though....

Hope everyone has been having a great week so far. School wise this week has been a little too busy for my liking. ;) I started this rather massive history project about a week and a half ago, and everytime I thought I had done a ton of work on it my mom thought of something else I should add. So after a few rounds of this, I headed to the copy machine to make the last copy that I needed, when suddenly the copy machine stopped working. Of course my mom freaked out (she really does love that thing) and I had an image of being grounded for the rest of my natural life (exaggerating again I suppose). We did get it fixed though, which was a huge relief as I was really really ready to finish my project. Now it's finally done and all I can say is, "Hallejuah".

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